00:19:50 Dakota Butterfield: How does our brand new energy committee get added to the map? 00:20:52 Bruce Frauman: Bruce Fraruman-Londonderry Energy Committee 00:21:10 Jessica Williams - S. Portland, ME: Jessica Williams, WindowDressers Program Manager for VT and NH. Hoping to learn a little more about how the VT energy committees work. Nice to see some familiar faces! 00:21:50 Jon Copans: Welcome Jessica! So many great WindowDressers builds this fall. 00:29:59 Ann Lawless: Question, maybe for the discussion groups? How are energy committees reporting on their activities with an article in the town meeting warning? Any thoughts on getting the word out in case your town will be having an Australian Ballot meeting? Thanks 00:30:47 Keith Epstein (SB Energy Committee): This toolkit looks really useful! We have been doing it ad-hoc for many years and we haven't done a good job training new members. 00:32:29 Keith Epstein (SB Energy Committee): We write a 1-2 page annual report, and that gets compiled with other city committees into the city's annual report 00:32:51 Sarah Brock: Finding and Retaining Volunteers Equity and Inclusion Partnerships Outreach and Communications Engaging with Municipal Leaders 00:32:53 Jeff Forward: Our town publishes an Annual Report which is available to all residents. We are invited to submit a report for this document. 00:34:49 Ann Lawless: Thnx Keith and Jeff. I'm also wondering if any teeny, new committees are reporting, especially those that may be grass-roots as opposed to town sanctioned, and those that DO not have any town funds to work with YET. Thnx 00:36:09 Jon Copans: Sam Lash is hosting the conversation on Communications, and Nick Kramer is the host of the conversation about engaging municipal leaders and staff. 00:36:49 Jeff Forward: My committee in Richmond is not sanctioned but the town. We do not have a budget and frankly don’t need one. We prefer to be adhoc which allows us to have like minded people instead of select board appointees. 00:37:24 Jeff Forward: The Richmond Climate Action Committee while not sanctioned by the town has been meeting regularly since 2006. 00:37:56 Molly Smith - Hartford: How much time will we have in the breakout room? 00:40:17 Yves Gonnet: Anyone can save the chat for themselves 00:41:18 anna guenther, she/her, Vital Communities: to save the chat for yourself, click on the "..." on the top right corner of where you type in the chat box, and it will give you a "save chat" option. 00:41:47 Stephanie Moffett-Hynds: Hi, Sarah,, 01:12:27 Nick Kramer: Thanks municipal team! Great conversation. 01:12:28 Kurt Haigis: Thanks got to go! 01:12:58 Mariah Keagy, (she/her), VEEP: Thanks, All. Appreciated being able to pop around a little. Great conversations! 01:13:11 Vince O'Connell: Thanks! 01:13:14 Darlene Ahrens: Gotta go. Thanks 01:13:17 Diane Foulds: A few tips from Working with the Selectboard: 01:13:26 Kevin Thorley: There is so much shared experience across the group and therefore opportunities to learn and not have to invent everything ourselves 01:13:31 Jon Copans: Richard from Vershire and I had a great conversation about how data can inform their work, and what is available for town-level data. 01:13:43 Phil Bush: Using a poetry event to engage some who otherwise aren't involved. 01:13:49 Bob Atchinson: Yes Plainfield has a budget, but having an Energy Coordinator, vs. Energy Committee free us as a 2 member Energy Team from spinning our wheels doing formal minutes, fishing for a quorum, etc. 01:13:51 Sarah Brock: Find out how you can be part of helping your town allocate ARPA funds! Jeff Forward and Linda Gray are doing that and are great resources 01:13:52 Brad Long: Our topic was Partnerships - we found that TEC's can partner with other TEC's in neighboring towns, can partner with civic organizations like Rotary or faith based organizations and also can partner successfully with business groups like a Chamber of Commerce. We found that the most challenging group within our community to partner with is landlords of multi family houses. 01:13:52 Will Dodge: Takeaway: working with school boards is like pushing wet noodles, so bypass them and recruit high school students instead. 01:14:00 Yves Gonnet: Got some great ideas for pushing climate over energy in outreach for recruits 01:14:02 Lynn Wurzburg: Great idea- always have presence at select board meetings- hardly anyone ever shows up so they will definitely get to know you! 01:14:10 Stephanie Moffett-Hynds: One of the main takeaways for me was the importance of creating individual relationships/partnerships with teachers, local businesses, clubs, etc. 01:14:12 Carl Bucholt, Manchester: I like the idea of an art show/poetry reading based on climate issues. And using farmers market to demonstrate e-mowers, etc. 01:14:13 Dakota Butterfield: As a tiny town in the Northeast Kingdom, we seem to have fewer juicy ways to think about partnering with folks, but I’m eager to figure out how to build a resource map of organized folks we might connect with. 01:14:17 Laurel Green, Rockingham: From Outreach and Communication - plan to use the Inventory tool and take it to all the various groups I am involved with to broaden the base. 01:14:19 Lexi - Warren: I heard that when you present a plan to the SB or PC to hand them a hard copy of proposal afterwards, and to also make sure you have people there to support the plan verbally as well. 01:14:19 Jeff Dexter, Sunderland Energy Comm: We enjoyed the innovative poetry and art show concept that Richmond EC did....wrapped around Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. 01:14:22 Diane Foulds: Alert them in advance, partner with the planning commissions, always show up, tone down political rhetoric, attend every selectboard meeting, and remember that goverment works very slowly. 01:14:29 Phil March: Molly Smith’s strategy of delegating tasks to subcommittees within the committee was a great idea to engage members. Using a bullet list of subcommittee tasks was also useful 01:14:32 Sam Lash, she/her: Comm&Outreach: Groups are trying to figure out how to re-energize/re-engage. Having specific actions/tasks/projects is helpful to engage new and old members. Also the Comm Inventory is a great tool to institutionalised and aggregate outreach opportunities and then assign to new/more members to it doesn’t just fall to a few! 01:14:35 Howard Widelitz: Lots of great ideas on effective communication: Farmer’s markets, Street Fest, Community Forums with legislators, promotional videos 01:15:04 Lauri Scharf, Middlesex: When offering assistance to community members, meet them where they are, both physically and in their capacity to absorb information and to make a commitment. 01:15:05 Will Dodge: Regional planning commissions are among the very best partners. 01:15:10 Nancy Faesy: Make the application process simple and appropriate for those in need. 01:15:15 Sally Burrell, Bristol energy com.: I learned about making a long list of actions/projects by looking at our Enhanced energy Plan and connecting with Regional Planning. and then going to the community, schools, businesses, etc for volunteers… focusing on climate, resilience, planet. 01:15:16 Yves Gonnet: have a post covid climate resilience party! 01:15:18 Catherine McMains: Breakout room was a good discussion with some useful ideas as other committees experiencing similar burnouts. 01:15:30 Carl Bucholt, Manchester: We helped plant trees with 350VT that offered a forum for discussion before digging in the dirt 01:15:35 Lynn Wurzburg: Here’s a great quote I just read- “when you delegate a job, delegate the power with it”. 01:15:45 Laurel Green, Rockingham: Outreach at town wide events - take a survey to individuals to ask opinion on a topic, have handouts on your table to share with folks. 01:15:49 Ann Lawless, HEAT Squad NEK outreach: It didn't come up, but I'm wondering if new Energy Ctees/champions are focusing on a town buildings energy audit & weatherization or is that work already mostly done in most towns? 01:16:01 Bekah Kuster, VECAN: VECAN 2022 Workshop Series: https://vecan.net/vecan-2022-workshop-series/ 01:16:05 Yves Gonnet: If you can't measure it you can't manage it 01:16:16 Jon Copans: Great question Ann Lawless. Many discussions underway on this very topic. 01:16:38 Bob Atchinson: Covid has been in the way of projects, namely Home Energy Visits, and it is very sad, as people are spending more time at home, with thermostats turned up, and we would like to get back to the work of helping folks paths to healthier and safer homes. 01:16:44 Diane Foulds: Excellent Jan. webinar topics. Thank you! 01:16:48 anna guenther, she/her, Vital Communities: re:equity and inclusion, When trying to connect to individuals and household experiencing acute economic need about energy resources, connect with people and organizations already doing work to help those communities (church programs, food pantries, etc) 01:16:49 Yves Gonnet: yes Ann in HUntington 01:17:00 Bob Atchinson: No audio whatsoever! 01:17:01 Ann Lawless, HEAT Squad NEK outreach: Would like to know more about how a lone champion in one town w/o critical mass for an energy ctee has worked with champions in neighboring towns to create a team to work together. 01:17:21 Bekah Kuster, VECAN: Workshop Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z8DGT9W 01:17:24 Kevin Thorley: yes to more, informal sessions! 01:17:28 Diane Foulds: Another possible topic: how ARPA and Infrastructure and Build Back Better funds can be used for climate and energy projects. 01:18:03 Yves Gonnet: Diane VLCT has the answers to that 01:18:06 Molly Smith - Hartford: @Ann Lawless, collaborating with nearby towns/counties is great! We're doing a window dressers build with Hartland next year as neither of us has the capacity to do it alone 01:18:08 Sam Lash, she/her: +1 to Diane 01:18:24 Jeff Dexter, Sunderland Energy Comm: For low income solar: SunPower (one of the best panel mftr) started up a low income financing program: https://www.reuters.com/business/sunpower-launches-home-solar-financing-aimed-lower-income-homeowners-2021-12-08/ 01:18:43 Diane Foulds: Thanks so much for holding this webinar!! 01:18:46 Jeff Dexter, Sunderland Energy Comm: We posted to our facebook and town page. 01:18:47 Yves Gonnet: VERMONT LEAGUE OF CITIES & TOWNS AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND (ARPA/CLFRF) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 01:18:51 Carl Bucholt, Manchester: I’m fine with sharing my contact info, but PLEASE send large group emails via Bcc’s 01:18:58 Erika Faulkner: Thank you! 01:19:42 Bekah Kuster, VECAN: Sign up for the listserv here: https://groups.google.com/u/2/g/vtenergyclimateaction 01:20:35 Sally Burrell, Bristol energy com.: Acorn Energy Co-op developed a 500kw community solar project in Bristol. They’re great! 01:20:44 Bob Atchinson: Yes, definitely share names, but in a list serve. 01:21:24 Bob Atchinson: Some are also registered on VECAN site, and also our town website. 01:21:49 Reed Parker: I don't have access to the List Serve request site. How do I get permissions? thanks 01:21:53 Jessica Williams/WindowDressers: thanks! 01:21:59 Kevin Thorley: reminder to save the chat! 🙂 01:22:00 Brad Long: Thank you everyone! 01:22:01 Stephanie Moffett-Hynds: Thanks so much for this all! 01:22:07 Kathy Marchant: Please don’t share my info but thanks. Most helpful. 01:22:11 Sam Lash, she/her: Thanks all and thank you for a great Conference! I look forward to more workshops!