The CEP & the CAP: How Vermont’s Important Clean Energy & Climate Action Blueprints Connect
At our June 16th webinar, we learned about Vermont’s important clean energy and climate action plans and how they connect.
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As you know, the Vermont Climate Council and its subcommittees, established under the Global Warming Solutions Act, are hard at work developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP) to meet the now legally mandated state greenhouse gas reduction targets, with an initial plan due December 2021. At the same time, Vermont is currently updating the state’s Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP), which has an established 90% by 2050 total renewable energy goal. A new CEP is due January 2022, only a month after the first CAP will be delivered by the Climate Council.
TJ Poor, Director of Efficiency and Energy Resources, from the Vermont Department of Public Service (DPS), gave an overview of the DPS energy and emissions modeling for the CEP and the CAP and explained where the two plans overlap, where they diverge, and, importantly, how they complement each other.
Jane Lazorchak, Director of the Global Warming Solutions Act, from the Agency of Natural Resources, provided an overview of the work being done by the Vermont Climate Council and its subcommittees to develop a Climate Action Plan (CAP), which includes a robust public engagement process to help ensure that the plan is shaped by and supports all Vermonters.