VECAN Conference 2024

On December 3rd, VECAN launches its annual Community Energy & Climate Action Conference by co-hosting an in-person Post Election Gathering with the Energy Action Network!
Please also mark your calendars for a series of ensuing virtual workshops as part of this annual event – from noon-1:30 on December 4th, 5th and 6th. As usual, this virtual series is tailored largely to community energy committee leaders but open to anyone committed to making climate progress.
In a series of sessions, we will be doing deep dives into climate resilience strategies, pollution-reduction opportunities, statewide efficiency programs, and virtual peer to peer breakout sessions to discuss how to reorient, organize and collaborate for climate and clean energy progress.
Conference Schedule:
12/3 @ 9:00am-5:30pm: Post Election Gathering with the Energy Action Network – Register here
This day-long event is a great opportunity for community energy leaders to get grounded in the state-of-the-state when it comes to energy and climate action in Vermont. Hear from state leaders including state lawmakers, Treasurer Mike Pieciak, Public Utility Commission Chair Ed McNamara, Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore, and State Director for Senator Welch’s office Rebecca Ellis. The day will offer the chance to discuss priorities and engage in conversation about new and emerging opportunities and challenges at the federal and state levels. A light breakfast and yummy lunch will also be provided.
A limited number of deeply discounted tickets – $40 – are available to community
energy committee leaders in the VECAN network. Find out more here and also reach
out to [email protected] to find out how to access the VECAN discount rate.
Please also mark your calendar for a series of ensuing virtual workshops as part of this
annual event – from noon-1:30 on December 4th , 5th and 6th . We will be doing deep
dives into climate resilience strategies, pollution-reduction opportunities, statewide efficiency programs, and wrap the week on December 6th with a peer-to-peer town energy committee success story showcase and virtual breakouts.
As always, many thanks to our VECAN partners, including co-host EAN, and to the
many generous sponsors who make opportunities like this possible – and affordable. Register here.
12/4 @ noon-1:30pm: Town Energy Committee Peer to Peer Roundtable – Register here
Town energy and climate leaders understand the importance of learning from each other! Engage in meaningful discussions and gain practical insights on how Vermonters have navigated the challenges of community-driven energy and climate initiatives. This webinar provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange, ultimately empowering attendees to drive more effective and impactful energy initiatives in their own towns. Register here.
12/5 @ noon-1:30pm: Navigating Climate Risks and Building Resilience in Rural Communities
The impacts of climate change have arrived squarely on Vermonters’ doorsteps, delivering disproportionate impacts and swamping already-strapped municipal budgets. In this workshop, hear from national resilience and recovery experts – Rebuild by Design – about Vermont’s unique climate risks. Panelists will then walk through Vermonters’ short and long-term recovery needs identified through their work in communities to center equitable community engagement into resilience planning and disaster recovery. Join us to learn about strategies communities in Vermont and across the U.S. are utilizing to recover from fossil-fueled disasters – and resilience solutions that might work for your community. Register here.
The new, incoming Trump administration has made clear their intention to roll back clean energy and climate programs and policies over the next four years. That means state and local efforts to cut high-cost, planet-warming pollution will be even more important. In this session, get an update on the status of the over $120 million awarded to Vermont via the Inflation Reduction Act to establish new programs to help low- and moderate income Vermonters access, afford and benefit from well-insulated homes, more efficient appliances, (community) solar, and clean electrification solutions for heating and transportation. Hear what’s happening (or possibly not) with awarded funds, what they are intended for, and what we can anticipate – as best as possible – in terms of timing and implementation. Hear about potential legislative and community priorities for continuing to make climate progress and reduce Vermonters’ energy burdens. And gather and share ideas for how to organize our collective, community climate efforts. Register here.