Connecting & Activating Vermont Communities

VECAN Conference Archive

6th Annual VECAN Conference 2013

Strengthening Connections to Advance Solutions

“The glue that is keeping our country together is local leadership,” said Vermont Congressman Peter Welch, “and there is nobody that is doing it better in Vermont than our town energy committees.”

Vermont’s community-based efforts to tackle the challenges of climate change and ever-more-limited traditional energy supplies were the focus of the 2013 Community Energy and Climate Action Conference. In order to address these challenges, the 2013 conference works to build partnerships at the local level and grow the climate action movement in Vermont

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5th Annual VECAN Conference 2012

Getting to 90% Renewable by 2050

With the 2011 release of the state’s Comprehensive Energy Plan, the 2012 conference focused on bringing together local action and solutions to addressing this ambitious and necessary goal.

4th Annual VECAN Conference 2011

Community Energy & Climate Action Conference

Many Vermonters and Vermont communities are wrestling with difficult questions regarding how they will meet their energy needs. The annual “Community Energy and Climate Action Conference” is designed to help them answer those questions. Organized by the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network and UVM Extension, the day offers a great blend of access to expertise and resources on promising energy programs as well as opportunity for deep dialogue on some of more difficult challenging issues

3rd Annual VECAN Conference 2010

2nd Annual VECAN Conference 2009

1st Annual VECAN Conference 2008