Connecting & Activating Vermont Communities

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Green Drinks– A Homeowner’s Guide to Long-Range Energy Planning

Virtual VT

Join Rob Anderegg to learn how he has taken action to reduce his home's carbon footprint! By thinking about our energy use in a similar way to how we set a budget for our money, we can begin to make a long-range plan for reducing our fossil fuel use. The key steps include keeping track […]

Low Emission and Electric Transportation Public Event – Bellows Falls

Bellows Falls Opera House 7 Square, Bellows Falls, Vermont

Bellows Falls Opera House, Lower Theatre, 7 Square, Bellows Falls, VT Please RSVP for the event. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources invites you to learn about and discuss proposed rules that require auto manufacturers to provide even more electric vehicles and cleaner internal combustion engine vehicles in Vermont. These rules will further reduce greenhouse gas […]

GreenSavingSmart Workshop: Heat Pumps

Virtual VT

Wednesday September 21st from 10:00 – 11:30AM Have you heard about heat pumps? Are you curious to learn more about how they work and why they are a cost effective and environment-friendly choice for heating and cooling your space? Join us for an informational webinar on heat pumps. Then, connect with CVOEO’s GreenSavingSmart Financial and Energy Coach, Jen […]

Low Emission and Electric Vehicle Rulemaking Public Hearing – Barre

Aldrich Public Library 6 Washington Street, Barre, Vermont

Aldrich Public Library, Milne Room, 6 Washington Street, Barre, VT Please RSVP for the event. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources invites you to learn about, discuss and comment on proposed rules that require auto manufacturers to provide even more electric vehicles and cleaner internal combustion engine vehicles in Vermont. These rules will further reduce greenhouse […]

EAN 2022 Annual Summit

Vermont College of Fine Arts’ Alumnx Hall 45 College Street, Montpelier, Vermont, United States

The EAN 2022 Network Summit will be on September 22, 2022 at the Vermont College of Fine Arts Alumnx Hall, at 45 College Street, Montpelier.  The event will begin at 9am, with all attendees invited to stay through a reception and dinner. The EAN Summit is your opportunity to: Connect and re-connect with other Network […]

Low Emission and Electric Vehicle Rulemaking Public Hearing – Virtual

Virtual VT

Zoom Virtual Meeting Option Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 4671 9364 Passcode: 313515 One tap mobile +13092053325,,84646719364#,,,,*313515# US Please RSVP for the event. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources invites you to learn about, discuss and comment on proposed rules that require auto manufacturers to provide even more electric vehicles and cleaner internal […]

Manchester Electric Vehicle Drive-In

Manchester Rec Center Dana L Thompson Park, Manchester, VT, United States

Manchester Electric Vehicle Drive-In – September 24, 2022 – Join the Manchester Energy Committee and 350Vermont from 10am-12:30pm for an electric vehicle drive-in at the Rec Center in Manchester! There will be electric cars, lawnmowers, weed whackers, bikes and more! Talk to folks who own, drive and use these electric options and find out what […]

GreenSavingSmart Workshop: Fall Financial Check Up

St. Johnsbury Community Hub 438 Railroad St, Suite 2, St. Johnsbury, VT, United States

Monday September 26th from 1:00 – 2:30PM (IN PERSON) Join NEKCA’s GreenSavingSmart Financial & Energy Coach, Erik Schultz, at the Saint Johnsbury Community Hub for a free in person workshop. During this workshop, you will learn about: Tips and strategies to monitor your financial health and save on energy spending The importance of setting up a household budget, evaluating your expenses, checking […]

GreenSavingSmart Workshop: Crank Up the Savings

Virtual VT

GreenSavingSmart Workshop: Crank Up the Savings Wednesday September 28th from 3:00 – 4:30PM BROC Community Action’s GreenSavingSmart Financial & Energy Coach, Darrell Greene, will help you with a household financial tune-up: Save money navigate this historic inflation reduce high energy costs

Button Up Weatherization Wednesday: Weatherization 101

Virtual VT

Winter is coming! That means it is time to start buttoning up our homes in preparation for the colder months. Efficiency Vermont’s Bekah Kuster will give you a primer on weatherization and where to start. Co-hosted by VGS. Join virtually via Zoom or Facebook Live! Register at: Website and Facebook Page:;