Connecting & Activating Vermont Communities

School and Municipal Solar

crossett brookGoing solar is a great way for schools and municipalities to reduce energy costs, stabilize and predict energy expenses, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and help support local jobs and the economy. The tools on this page are designed to help municipalities and schools go solar more easily, as well as help them identify, modify and craft a contract that best suits their goals and financial needs.

VNRC worked with the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, Vermont Public Service Department, several attorneys and others to put together a template net metering agreement for school and municipal projects as well as tips on how to use it. It’s a template for group net metering agreement specifically crafted with the goals and interests of schools and municipalities in mind. Find this useful resource, as well as a helpful “how to” guidance document put together by the South Burlington Energy Committee below.



Template for Group Net Metering Agreements for Vermont Municipal and School District Solar Projects

Implementing Solar for your Town or School District – A guide from the South Burlington Energy Committee

Solar Power Purchase Agreements – A Toolkit for Local Governments

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