VECAN Spring Summit 2023

Thanks to all who joined us on June 3rd to reconnect, strategize and help co-create opportunities to do our part to advance just and bold climate action! It was energizing to gather with such passionate, driven individuals dedicated to implementing critical community-level transitions – we hope you feel energized too. We very much look forward to putting together future in-person events and continuing our webinar series and other online information-sharing and networking opportunities.
We would greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete this evaluation of the Summit. Your input is important to informing how we can build upon, improve and expand our collective work going forward. We want to hear from you, so thank you for letting us know your thoughts.
Please read on for a deep dive into information and resources to support Vermont municipalities and Vermonters access more cost-effective, clean energy solutions, or other resilience and adaptation-enhancing opportunities.
Opening Remarks with Bill McKibben:
Bonnie Waninger’s Presentation:
Jen Myers’ Presentation:
Callie Fishburn’s Presentation:
ICYMI… Resource Table Handouts:
8:30 am: Registration, Light Breakfast Fare and Informal Networking
9:00 am: Opening Remarks: Bill McKibben
9:45 am: Panel: Funding an Equitable Transition
11:15 am: World Cafe – Small Group Topic Deep Dives
12:30 Raffle: E-Bike, Energy-Efficient Window Air Conditioning Unit, & Walk to Shop
12:35 pm: Enjoy Lunch on Us!
1:30 pm: Informal Networking

Most participants can park in the Service Building Parking Lot and along Old Chapel Road. To get to the Service Building Parking Lot, the best way to enter is off South Main St./Route 30.
Old Chapel Road has parking spaces lining the road and facing McCullough Student Center which can be accessed by South Main St./Route 30 or College Way/Route 125.
The next best spot would be over at the Mahaney Arts Center, also accessed from Route 30/South Main Street, and folks will want to take a turn onto Porter Field Road. That will loop around to the large parking lot. You will then need to use the crosswalk to cross South Main St./Route 30 and then walk over to the McCullough Student Center.
Attendees can park in spots indicating Faculty/Staff only, but not any Service Vehicle spot.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Middlebury:
Check out a breakdown of where to charge up around Middlebury!
Thank you, Middlebury College, for your partnership!

Made Possible By Our Generous Sponsors
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Other Sponsors