Connecting & Activating Vermont Communities

2024 VECAN Spring Summit

2024 VECAN Spring Summit

Conversations and Collaborations for Community Climate Solutions

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2024 VECAN Spring Summit on Saturday, June 1st! We were pleased to see so many of you come out for our 2nd annual in-person spring gathering of community energy leaders at the Chase Community Center at the Vermont Law and Graduate School in South Royalton. A special thanks is also owed to Ellen Kahler, who delivered our keynote address, and panelists Steve Maier, Linda Gray, and Jon Copans.

The Spring Summit was all about conversation, collaboration and community – connecting local leaders with each other and partners hoping to support important grassroots energy and climate work.  With the help of our expert facilitators, we covered a diversity of topics in small group discussions:

  • Community Outreach Strategies
  • Equity and Environmental Justice
  • Disaster Resilience
  • Thermal Energy Networks
  • Individual Energy Navigation / IRA
  • Advocacy and Climate Action Plan
  • Local Energy Stories
  • Municipal Energy / MERP
  • Climate Workforce
  • Transportation
  • Solar Power
  • Weatherization and Beneficial Electrification

We hope you were all energized and encouraged by the ideas and accomplishments of your partners in this work, and we look forward to convening the network again soon. After all, it’s always fun to get together and talk about energy and climate solutions in Vermont!

2024 VECAN Event Sponsors

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